I mananged to hit the 100 make.

with posting the videos and my thought I have surpassed the 100 blog make. this is a good thing for me. in December I wrote 4 blogs,January was 29 blogs, February was 43 blogs and so far this month counting this one I have written a total of 38 blogs! Yeah for me. I know don’t break your arm patting your self on the back.

15 Comments on “I mananged to hit the 100 make.

  1. Hi Mike,Congrats on hitting at 100 mark!! Just wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a very blessed and happy Easter weekend. I\’ll try to catch up later!Hugs,Hope

  2. Congratulations on the 100th Post!! I\’m working on mine as we speak. I fear I\’ve taken on quiten the task as I set a goal for myself to comment on 100 other posts and link back. I originally thought I would do it in a day but fuhgettaboutit!! I\’m making this a weekend thing. :)Congrats!!

  3. Congrats on your 100th Post Mike! Keep it up – visiting you is one of the bright spots in my day!I hope that you and Mrs. G. have blessed Easter.Jennifer

  4. Hope,thank you for your comment.I surprised my self that I was able do a 100 posts so soon.Grandy.I\’m glad you are reaching the 100 mark as well.Jennifer,thank you for comming to visit me.Too All;I truely hope that every one has a Great Easter.

  5. Congrats Mike on your 100th post! You have a wonderful blog here, and it shows! I hope you have a very blessed Easter. May it be full of joy and happiness.

  6. Thank you so much for coming over to visit my Good Friday post. I\’m glad you have found the blogging world – it is such a wonderful community.I\’m at 298 and trying to figure out how to celebrate 300. It\’s amazing how much we turn out having to say, isnt it?

  7. Congrats, Mike! I have only recently celebrated my 100th post (luckily I blog with speak and hear no evil or I\’d be SOL).

  8. Mysti,yes easter is going to be a blessed one we will be spending with both of the families,we will be splitting it up into 2 days though.Dawn,I enjoy visiting my new found friends here in blogland.I look forward to seeing youur 300th posting.Since I am a stay at home person I have mananged to be very prolific on my blogging.Al,thanks for your kind comments,I would think that you would have hit you 100 th sooner or later if you were doing the posting by your self alone.I truely hope that all of you have a great easter.Hugs and Blessings your way.

  9. Congratulations Mike. To reach the 100 mark is quite an accomplishment. I often surf through the links I find in my profile and am surprised at the number of blogs that are started and deserted after perhaps three or four postings. It is almost like a blog ghost town.

  10. Jo,Yeh blog ghost towns are no fun.Of course there are many reasons that people stop,sometimes they recieve too much flack for what they post and get discouraged,and or they develope a \”block\” that they cannot overcome.

  11. Suzanne,just wait in a month or two I\’ll probly be hitting my 200 mark,who know how many blogs I\’ll have by the time I hit my 1 year anaversary on blogger.

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