Month: March 2009

some thing that I need to share

I have something that I need to share about me.It is a deep emotional scar that I all stemmed from an incident.I alluded to it on Tracy’s site in a comment I made.The problem is that I do not know how to talk… Continue Reading “some thing that I need to share”


the chain of love (it taks about 30 secs before the music starts)

an update and urgent prayer request.

My cousin Keith has been handed another thing to deal with.His daughter Heather,she first tried to use a knife from the kitchen to hurt herself and her brother took it away from her ,so then she went and got a razor blade and started… Continue Reading “an update and urgent prayer request.”

A good message.

74 wixy grad has a great video posted on his site.when I tried to post it here the audio was disabled on YouTube.So I urge you all to go and watch “the chain of love” on his site. This is just a different way… Continue Reading “A good message.”

a helpful tip

My blogging Friend Sandra over at family corner has a great tip on her blog the title of it is PSSSTTT…COME is a good idea and it works.I tried it and it does.especially if you are useing google reader.

well what a surprise.

as the title says blogger now allows you to undelete a blog. So that means that the rambling stuff awards addition blog is active again.Now if I could revive the word press blog that I deleted that would be something as well.

Whatever Happened to Randolph Scott Friday Flashback part 2

The Royal Guardsmen-Snoopy Vs. the Red Baron Flashback Friday Part #1

music snippets

what do you do when just a snippet of a song is running through your head? especially when you cannot remember the name of the song or even the artists??? some of the stuff running through mine are “sister married a man and lives… Continue Reading “music snippets”