Month: February 2009

Last Train to Clarksville 3 – Monkees flashback friday part 1

A great posting.

Mari over at my little corner of the world has an interesting posting called a blogging meme.I do not think I’m up to doing this one right now but it is a good read. Mari has some nice thing to say about the 10… Continue Reading “A great posting.”

a couple of things of interest.

hopefully the links will work. they are for some interesting things about Cleveland.all things Cleveland City Prowl

Barry McGuire: Eve of Destruction

The Kingston Trio: They Call The Wind Maria just for the heck of it!

those darn seizures.

the seizurs had settled down some what but the last three days have been no picnic,the seizures have increased. I am totally bummed out.

a prayer request

A blogging friend has posted ther ther friend is having heart surgery,Please offer prayers,Thank you.

An Award Recieved and Given away see the list.

Thank you Akelamalu for this award.Here is what she said about why she gave this award.Mike (Rambling Stuff) – such a caring blogger who brings the plight of others to the fore when they most need are the following rules:1) You must link… Continue Reading “An Award Recieved and Given away see the list.”


Bambi and Thumper do exist here proof!!

The Trashmen : Surfin’ Bird ( 1963 ) this is the song that I got the idea for one of my answers to You Say I think.