Tag: a sad thing

At first I thought that

At first I thought that my DSL and/or my router took a powder because I could not drop my Entrecard cards. I was wrong. Entrecard is down again. What else it’s the weekend. My router and my DSL are just fine. I have had… Continue Reading “At first I thought that”

A sad confession

Sadly I have a confession to make. I have not posted about my weight lose in quite a while, since I have not been stepping on the scale as I should have. nor have I been watching the eating like I should have as… Continue Reading “A sad confession”

What is going on.

Sandee,thank you for posting the Wednesday’s Hero, and for moderating the comments. I think I owe my visitors an explanation as to what is going on. This week has not been fun. Sunday my water heater went out. Yesterday(Tuesday) I was DISINVITED TO A… Continue Reading “What is going on.”