Tag: music

Playing the dulicmer

For those that are curious.The dulicmer is played by holding tiny hammers in your hands.Some hammers have two sides a soft side and a hard side the soft side plays softer note and the hard side plays louder notes.think of playing the Hammered dulicmer… Continue Reading “Playing the dulicmer”

The Hammered Dulicmer

I was asked to post the origins of the hammered dulicmer,Here is the orgins as best as I can explain.This instrument is generally credited to have began about 2,000 years ago in the area of Iran&Iraq,then called Pursia,where it was called a santur.In different… Continue Reading “The Hammered Dulicmer”

the Hammered Dulicmer

the Hammmered dulicmer has been called many thing in different parts of the world.The dulicmer can trace it’s roots to the country called Pursia sometime before Christ.I donot know the exactly when but I do know this fact.The dulicmer that is pictured is my… Continue Reading “the Hammered Dulicmer”