Day: July 25, 2011

I Miss Trolleyville USA

I was just doing some of my Entrecard dropping when I ran across a fantastic posting about Trolleys over on Grampy’s site. That made me sad that the Trolley Museum that we had here in the Greater Cleveland area called TROLLEYVILLE does not exist… Continue Reading “I Miss Trolleyville USA”

I just relized something.about a missing prayer request.

As the title says I just realized that a prayer request that I put together for last Thursday did not post nor was is it in draft. My mother-in-law Christine had to have some surgery near her eye to fix a problem that she… Continue Reading “I just relized something.about a missing prayer request.”


With a Big Time Tip of the Hat to JAMIE from whom I swiped this photo. Please go and check it out. Awww…Mondays Participants 1. Karen and Gerard2. Rhonda3. Anny4. Lois Grebowski5. Driller6. Babs7. Barb 8. Marg9. Sandee10. Empress Bee11. Freda Mans12. Mike Golch13.… Continue Reading “Awww…Monday”