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10 themes meme./I found It!!!!

I saw this one over on Brenda’s Site and decided to do it also.

10 things:

1) since it is the anniversary of Woodstock, I wish I had gone there.

2) I am glad that I came to blogger after being dissatisfied with the Yahoo blog that I have. (that blog forum has since folded)

3) I am glad that Celestine and I bought a more fuel efficiant car. (Our Honda Fit!)

4) I am grateful for my sobriety (date 17 December 1990).

5) happy that I have the following that I do here on this blog.

6) Despite being Bi-polar, have seizures, Asthma, Chronic bronchitis, and suicidal at times. It is a great day to be alive!

7) I enjoy listening to different kinds of music,One of the is the Hammered Dulcimer.

8) I’m glad that it is not winter.(yet)

9) wish I was a better commentator.

10) Gratefully married to Celestine for the past 29 years.

This is the post that I thought that I had lost and lead to the rant I had posted.I’m glad that I did not lose it after all.

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