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with thanks to those who have served our country.

I know that I go off on tangents,and even diatribes against the political machines of our country.This is why I’m grateful for being born and raised in this country.we have the right to disagree with things,we have the right to print and speak about these things.Just think if you were to live somewhere that if you did not follow the “party line” that you would be jailed or even worse. That is why men and women have put on uniforms of our military to go and fight for these rights,and some even have given their lives for our privilege to voice our dissent.
We have been given the right to choose how and when and who we worship. This is what our country was founded on.This is what our country stands for.
Thank you,our Soldiers,our Sailors,our Marines,and our Air Force members. If you can read this thank a Teacher,if you are allowed to read this,Thank our Military for giving us this right.

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