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A thought

As I weather my personal storm, all I ask is you understanding. I may not post a lot I have some posts already programed to go. August 13th, 2020, was the last day that my Beloved Celestine was home with me. I watched her slow decline through the month of September, she was transferred to The Hospice of Western Reserve campus in Westlake Ohio on October 4th.her decline was more rapid one October 15 th Her Sister Josephine and I both received the dreaded call that she had taken a turn for the worse. Joesphine and her Mother and I all came, and we sat with her just waiting for her passing. st 8 Pm that night Josephine took her Mom back home I stayed with my Celestine. Sometime between Midnight and 1:30 in the Morning of October 16th My beloved Celestine went home.

Celestine asked that she be laid to rest in her wedding dress. I had a great day on 01 March 1980 for that is the Day that Celestine Kobus and I were wed.

and the worst day October 19, 2020, was when we all had to say goodbye to her.

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