
I bet every one has benn here a time or two.

6 Comments on “Frazzled!

  1. I'm there now Mike. I'm having a very difficult time with something that i'm dealing with and it's not been an easy tow. I want to expose someone for who they are but the christian in me says to bite my tongue. I want to feel better about it but it's been difficult.So yeay, I get the frazzled stressed out look. I love this cat. Hugs and whatever is causing you frazzles, you are thought fondly of. Take care. Tammy

  2. Tammy,don't let the joker get your goat.Just as my Dad used to tell me.we ALL have to Answer to God for what we do or don't do.

  3. PinkLady,ever since mankind has walked on earth there has been stressand i guess there always will be.

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