
first though,I will not delete this blog and will still use it.I will be doing some posting on the word press blog as well.

Second thing,I have cut down the number of posts to ten instead of 10 days worth of posting.this way people that are useing older computers will not have problems with loading the blog when they open my site.(I hope)

third thing,I feel greatful for all my blog friends.

10 Comments on “thoughts.

  1. I feel grateful for all my blog friends too. You happen to be one of them, but you already know that.Have a terrific day Mike. Big hug. 🙂

  2. Sandee,I\’m glad that you are my friend as well.Jenifer,I did not fall,I just made a big time typo error.I meant to say that I FEEL instead of Fell.

  3. Mike…It is always so good to read your blog. You are such a positive and thoughtful person, your words always so inspiring.Thank you!~AM

  4. I came back to check on you. Sorry! I wasn\’t picking out typos. I am just relieved that you didn\’t fall.I spelled overalls \’overhauls\’ this week and a reader caught it and told me – AFTER it had been read by several folks. Oh well. Spell check can\’t catch all of my mistakes.Hope you have had a good Monday.

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